Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Entering The Foster Care System At The Age Of Nine

â€Å"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life† (Arthur Ashe). Entering the foster care system at the age of nine became a probability. Mental health issues and imprisonment plagued my parents, resulting in my removal from their care. There were no direct family members that were willing to care for myself except my aunt. My case worker conducted a home visit and she brought by a piggy bank made out of a sock. It must have been around Christmas time. That memory is the only memory I have of my case worker. From that day onward, I told myself that I would become a social worker. I told myself that I would become a better social worker than the one assigned to myself. I had no understanding of the stressful†¦show more content†¦Physically attending classes, in a classroom setting, was turning out to not be a possibility for myself. The opportunity presented itself when I learned that FSU offered online classes. Additionally, to the afo rementioned, I love the social work/social service field! To help others has been a passion of mine for years and I know that I have chosen the field that I am destined to be in. The social work field has been a consistent portion of my life for the past six years. I was employed by the Mental Health Resource Center (MHRC) from 2011-2016. From 2011-2014, I worked as a case manager. In this capacity, I worked with families who had children removed because of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. My goal was to recommend services which would alleviate the reasons for removal. However, if the parents did not show any behavior change and were not successful in completing their court ordered tasks, we would have to change our goals to what was in the best interest of the child. In addition to recommending services, I ensured that children received therapeutic intervention, had visitations with their family at least three times a week, transported my clients to appointments, enrolled children in school, prepared court documents, requested records, and documented my efforts to reunify. From 2014-2016, I was promoted to supervisor. My unit consisted of five case managers and a case coordinator. My role was to guide, teach, andShow MoreRelatedFoster Care Literature Review882 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Foster care is a growing epidemic in the United States. Youth who are involved in foster care are more likely to have contact with the criminal justice system, become addicts, and not be able to find employment. As a society we try to care for the child as best as we can. The average cost to help provide for a child is roughly $11,000 per year. 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